Guest Posting

I’m glad you’re thinking about contributing content to this blog. I sincerely hope you can offer more of what my readers wish to learn.  Read a few posts and you’ll get a general idea.

Also, read the following guidelines carefully. I reserve the right to reject any content that doesn’t meet my guidelines or standards.

I can’t guarantee your post will make the cut. To improve your chances, though, please make sure your post meets all of the requirements below:


  • I accept guest posts from other bloggers, speakers, experts, and authors who write about the following: college experience, preparation for workplace readiness, career launches, using college for your career, assessments, internships, part-time jobs, working during college, LinkedIn, social media, interviewing, networking, workplace skills, productivity, or career/major selection.
  • Company representatives and freelance writers representing companies are, in essence, proposing advertising, which I do not accept.
  • Content must be written exclusively for this blog or its successors. I won’t accept it if it appears anywhere else on the Internet, and I reserve the right to remove your post if I find it elsewhere online.
  • Guest posts must be between 500 and 800 words long.
  • Author bio required, headshot optional.
  • You may include as many links back to your own content and supporting content as you would like. A maximum of 2 will be “do follow” links.
  • Links to advertising will not be accepted, whether to a company site, sales page, marketplace listing, or similar.
  • I recommend you share your guest post across your social networks and put a small post on your blog sending your readers over to your guest post.
  • I reserve the right to reject any post or link within a post based on content.
  • I reserve the right to edit your post for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting.
  • Though you’re encouraged to submit them with your post, for purposes of SEO, my team and I will select titles and photographs.
  • I cannot guarantee your post will be published the same week it’s approved. You’ll receive a link when it’s scheduled.
  • Cut and paste 3 samples of your writing into your pitch email. Attachments will not be opened.

Sponsored Content Guidelines:

  • Currently not accepted.


I own the rights to my content on this website. That means I can post the web address anywhere I wish and share it/reuse it on my blog as I see fit. I prohibit the appearance of contributed content on other sites since that will have a negative impact on this blog’s search engine optimization. So, while you will maintain ownership of your rights, upon transferring your content to me for posting on this blog, the action is an implied guarantee this is the only platform upon which your contributed content can be found.

I won’t “trade links” or include your advertising link in an article. All contributor posts must be original, informative in nature, and relevant. External links must be approved by my team or myself to assure they are consistent with your article’s content.

If you’re interested in contributing, send me your pitch: